Blogging Piemonte
- Written by Diana Zahuranec
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- Published in The Entire Pizza
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There's a new blogging group in town...
The longer I live in Italy, the more I realize: there are tons of expats! And lots of them live in Piemonte, many of whom write on their own websites and blogs.
I decided it was time to gather everyone together. Through blog links, mentions, and mutual friends, I found about a dozen people who live in Piemonte, writing and publishing regularly in English. Subjects range from experiences living abroad, adventures we’ve had, and – how can it be otherwise, living in Italy? – food and wine.
We’ve formed the Blogging Piemonte group. We’ll be getting together about once every month – as many of us that can – to decide on a topic that we will all write about. Anyone who can’t come to the meet-up is welcome to tune in to the conversation and write their article, of course. Jump to June’s Topic
Below is the list of current involved bloggers. I hope this list grows. If you know someone or are that someone who wants to take part, get in touch! See below for more details.
And just to say…To start out, I wanted to find bloggers who live here and write primarily in English, but this doesn’t mean it can’t expand to include an Italian counterpart, too. So please, let me know if you’re interested in joining.
Blogging Piemonte
A Texas Mom in Torino - Sonia Piacente
Bailey Alexander - Bailey Alexander
Uncorkventional - Elisa Pesce
GirlsGottaDrink - Valerie Quintanilla
Italianna - Anna Savino
La Foodsitter - Marci Senise
Living in the Langhe - Richard Noble
Simply Italiana - Michelle Bottalico
The Entire Pizza - Diana Zahuranec
Turin Epicurean Capital - Lucia Hannau
Turin Italy Guide - Lara Statham
Turin Mamma - Rosemarie Scavo
Wine & Truffles - Tamar McLachlan
Langhe Secrets - Eleanor Fletcher
Englishman in Italy - Pecora Nera
June’s Topic: Authenticity in Piemonte
Sitting in the Exki cafe in central Torino, cappuccino or caffè in hand, we introduced ourselves and began talking about what in the world we’re doing, living in another country. What is our daily experience living here? What things have we learned or new habits have we taken on, living in Piemonte? What is different about here than anywhere else? We naturally hit on the topic of authenticity.
Authenticity is a big word (and, if you went to the University of Gastronomic Sciences in Pollenzo, a completely loaded concept that you don’t want to start a class discussion on unless you’re prepared). We’re all going to take our own spin on it. From the conversation that came up, I can see it spanning from living authentically, authentic food and wine, other people’s authentic lives…I’m so interested to see where this goes!
We will publish on June 11. Follow the conversation by using the hashtag #BlogPiemonte!
How can I join?
1. Get in touch to let me know! Email diana.zahuranec [at]
2. Send me the title of your post by June 9. I’ll send you a list of other participating bloggers with their blog names and article titles for you to paste into your article.
3. Publish on June 11 (no set time of the day, yet…)
4. Check out everyone else’s articles! Feel free to comment, and if you want to follow the conversation on twitter, use the hashtag #BlogPiemonte

Diana Zahuranec
I love Piemonte’s food and wine, the city of Turin, and my proximity to the Alps! My goal and challenge is to see as much of the region as possible using public transportation, but if you have a car I’d appreciate the ride. My intro to wine was at the Univ. of Gastronomic Sciences, and I love visiting family wineries, plus discovering Piemonte's craft beer scene. I’m hard-pressed to choose a favorite wine, but Nebbiolo never disappoints (from Barbaresco to Ghemme). As for beer, the Birrificio San Michele makes an incredible beechwood smoked brew.