
Taste the new vintages of Barolo & Barbaresco at Ba&Ba 2017

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Palazzo Carignano in Turin, by John and Melanie (Illingworth) Kotsopoulos (CC) Palazzo Carignano in Turin, by John and Melanie (Illingworth) Kotsopoulos (CC)

Taste the latest vintages of the royal king and queen of wines, Barolo 2013 and Barbaresco 2014, at the biggest preview for Piemontese wines of the year: Ba&Ba. 

This exciting event will take place in Turin on March 27, 2017. Don’t miss the best of Piemonte’s best at this fantastic wine preview in its stunning location—in Palazzo Carignano. The venue is fittingly as majestic as its wines, for it was named after the Princes of Carignano; and it was here that Italy’s first king, Vittorio Emmanuele II, was born.

The 2017 edition will have a breath of fresh, international air, as well: a panel of top sommeliers from all over the world will be attending to taste the new vintages. It is the perfect occasion to present some of the best labels in the world to top international sommeliers.

Open to the public for €25, Ba&Ba will host the following producers: 

Abrigo Bruno Rocca Cortese 
Adriano Marco e Vittorio  Burlotto  Costa Di Bussia - Tenute Arnulfo
Alario  Ca' Del Baio  Damilano

Alessandria F.lli

 Ca' Viola  Dante Rivetti
Alessandria Gianfranco  Cantina Del Pino  Diego Conterno
Amalia  Cascina Ballarin  Dosio
Anna Maria Abbona  Cascina Bongiovanni  Elio Grasso
Azelia  Cascina Chicco  Borgogno
Barale  Cascina Fontana  Brandini
Batasiolo  Cascina Morassino  Casa E. Di Mirafiore
Bersano  Castello Di Verduno  Fontanafredda
Boglietti  Castello Di Neive  Fenocchio
Bolmida Silvano  Ceretto  Fontana Mario
Boroli  Ciabot Berton  Fontanabianca
Bosco Agostino  Clerico  Francesco Rinaldi
Bovio  Cogno  Gagliardo
Brezza  Conterno Fantino  Gagliasso Mario
Bric Cenciurio  Coppo  Germano Ettore
Bricco Maiolica  Cordero Di Montezemolo  Giacosa Carlo
Brovia  Corino Renato  Giacosa Fratelli

…and many others! Keep in touch to stay updated on all the producers.

 Palazzo Carignano, by Fulvio Spada, CC

Save the date:
Monday, March 27, 2017
3 pm-8 pm
Palazzo Carignano
via Accademia delle Scienze 5, Torino

#baeba17 #aispiemonte

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