
International Wine and Music Festival: Bacco&Bach

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Bacco&Bach Bacco&Bach

From June 28 to July 26, 2015, the Monferrato will be hosting the 6th edition of Bacco&Bach, an international chamber music festival paired with wine tastings. 

Music and wine – a classic pairing – can both give incredible experiences, but you need the right time and atmosphere to fully appreciate them. The Monferrato, land of authentic tastes and slow living, is the ideal setting to host Bacco & Bach, the International Music Festival where chamber music is paired with wine tastings to discover one of the Monferrato's most important products in the relaxing atmosphere of elegant music.

Let us tell you a story...

The festival is designed as Transmedia Storytelling: a single narrative told through various media that evolves at each step of its user experience according to the specificity and uniqueness of each medium.

And the narrators of this story are ones of excellence: music, wine, and location emerge for a total and engaging experience. Each year, the location for the festival is carefully chosen according to its beauty and centrality to the territory to best let guests discover it. The most representative wines are selected, from the newest wineries to the most established and old Cantine, in an effort to spread the culture of the DOC and enjoyable drinking, as well as promoting the image, history, and culture of the Monferrato.

The musical events are also somewhat tied to the territory, as the location of the concerts is chosen based on suggestive, authentic places in the Monferrato, from charming courtyards to ancient palazzi, little theaters, villas, and castles. Overall, it is a 360° experience with selected locations, high artistic quality, and excellent wines.

Unique music for every glass!

The festival offers a packed schedule with concerts in the early evening and pairing of the music program to one or more wine tastings. At each appointment, guests will be able to discover a different wine that is symbolic of the area, for a listening and tasting experience. Before each concert, there will be a short listening and tasting guide and presentation. Bacco & Bach, in fact, is intended not only for experts and connoisseurs of the genre but also for amateurs, beginners and anyone who wishes to take this opportunity to taste and relax in the Monferrato.

 Program for June-July 2015 

June 6 and July 25 at 5:00 pm - Canonica di Corteranzo - € 5 reservation only

Tasting in the dark - Marco Della Ratta, Hang - wines from Tenuta Isabella

June 20 - Vigna Montecastello, Corteranzo

waiting for the Soltisce

7:00 pm - Guided visit to the San Luigi Gonzaga church - free

8:00 pm - Evening Snack - reservation only

9:00 pm - Concert in the Vineyards - Duo 55 corde - wines from Tenuta Isabella - € 5

July 5 at 5:00 pm - Palazzo Vitta, Casale – free

Dedicated to Bach - Masterclass concert of Chamber and Orchestra music, directed by C. Pavese e M. Maggiolo

July 12 at 8:30 pm - Cascina Faletta, Casale - € 5

Barbershop Cocktail - Ferrara Barbershop Quartet - wine-cocktail La Faletta

July 19 at 5:00 pm - Ch. SS Michele e Filippo, Villamiroglio - € 5

Vario&Divario directed by M. Limonetti- wines from Angelini 

July 25 at 9:00 pm - Cascina Gasparda, Olivola - € 5

Concert in the Vineyards - Philharmonic concert directed by M. Limonetti - wines from Cascina Gasparda 

July 26 at 9:00 pm - La Casaccia, Cella Monte - € 5

Felice Reggio Quartet - wines from La Casaccia  


In collaboration with Monferrato DOC andDiVino Castello di Casale Monferrato


June 26 at 9:00 pm – Delitto in mostra - € 5 reservation only

“Omicidio all’ombra delle piramidi” Stardust Company and Mummy project 

July 4 at 7:00 pm - MUSICA DOC!- € 5

Philharmonic Orchestra directed by M. Limonetti - wines from Leporati Bottazza 

July 10 at 9:00 pm - Dal Papiro Westacar alla Magia Moderna- € 5 reservation only

“Origini dell’Illuminissmo nell’Antico Egitto” Mago Endor and Mummy project 

July 24 at 9:00 pm - La Linfa di Osiride: il vino- free

Talking over wine with Sabina Malgora, Andrea Desana, Ima Ganora

Grignolino, Pierino Vellano 


In collaboration with Drop inJazz - Musical aperitivo in Piazza S. Stefano, Casale

July 17 at 7:00 pm Renato Tassiello Acoustic Trio - Blangè Ceretto - € 7

July 19 at 7:00 pm - Musica-Mente- Metodo classico Contratto - € 7

July 24 at 7:00 pm - Allifranchini quartet- Barolo Rocca dei Manzoni - € 7

July 26 at 7:00 pm - Martino Vercesi trio “6 Haiku- Alta Langa Cocchi - € 7


Info and reservations: 366 4065862 -

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