Labor of Love: Monferrato Wine Families
- Scritto da Suzanne Hoffman
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At 7:30 a.m. Central European Time on Monday, April 18, 2016, the presses at VeronaLibri (obviously in Verona, Italy) will begin to run, bringing to three-dimensional life Labor of Love: Wine Family Women of Piemonte. It will be three years and one month to the day when I left for Italy to begin my Labor of Love odyssey (although I didn’t have a title yet, it was truly the beginning of my labor and I have certainly loved every minute of it).
First of many Labor of Love journals.
Departure for Italy from DIA on the first of many Labor of Love adventures.
Monferrato Labor of Love Wine Families
Now I would like to introduce you to the three Monferrato wine families I did not know that day I left Denver International Airport for the unknown, but whose stories have become part of life and, as a result, part of my book. Yes, I know there are many more wonderful wine families out there with stories yet to be discovered and told, but a girl has to start somewhere. I believe that I chose 22 fabulous starting points for a journey that will no doubt last for the rest of my life.
Marchesi Alfieri
San Martino Alfieri
Orangerie at Marchesi Alfieri in San Martino Alfieri
Marenco Vini
The steepest and one of the most precious of the Marenco vineyards – Scrapona in Valle Bagnario
Cascina Castlet
Costigliole d’Asti
Mariuccia Borio (left) with four of her cousins at Cascina Castlet.
So tell me, where next should I go on my labor of love odyssey? Sicily? Friuli? Tuscany? Valais, Switzerland?
Stay tuned for the opportunity to help crowdfund on Indiegogo my odyssey to prepare for the next book project in the Labor of Love series.
Suzanne's blog post was originally published on her own site Wine Families of the World and is republished on Wine Pass with her permission.

Suzanne Hoffman
After over two decades in Switzerland, my husband Dani and I returned to America, settling in the heart of the Colorado Rockies. But my heart was still in the vineyards of Piemonte, Italy and Valais, Switzerland. In 2012, I turned a page in my life story, giving up my life as an attorney. In my newest – and happiest – chapter of my life, I revel in capturing the human stories of food, wine and travel as an entrepreneurial writer. Wine families are my passion. It’s their stories of triumph and heartbreak that often span centuries I want most to tell to entice readers to meet them, travel their regions and enjoy their bewitching wines.